
Whenissuesinyourprojectaretrackedbytasklistsorcontaintasklists,youcanusethemtocreateviewsandfilters.,Atasklistisasetoftasksthateachrenderonaseparatelinewithaclickablecheckbox.Youcanselectordeselectthecheckboxestomarkthetasksas ...,YoucanquicklyaddnewdrafttasksbyjusttypingthemdirectlyintoyourtasklistusingMarkdown.Addnewdrafttasksbycreateanewlineafterthelasttask ...,Addingtaskstoatasklist.Youcan...

Using projects and tasklists

When issues in your project are tracked by tasklists or contain tasklists, you can use them to create views and filters.

About task lists

A task list is a set of tasks that each render on a separate line with a clickable checkbox. You can select or deselect the checkboxes to mark the tasks as ...

Quickstart for tasklists

You can quickly add new draft tasks by just typing them directly into your tasklist using Markdown. Add new draft tasks by create a new line after the last task ...

Managing tasks in a tasklist

Adding tasks to a tasklist. You can add draft tasks, issues, and pull requests to a tasklist. Draft tasks are useful for quickly capturing ideas that you ...

About tasklists

You can use tasklists to quickly sketch out projects, divide tasks into subtasks, and track issues and pull requests.

About task lists

A task list is a set of tasks that each render on a separate line with a clickable checkbox. You can select or deselect the checkboxes to mark the tasks as ...

Creating a tasklist

A draft task. Draft tasks are text that can later be converted into issues. The full link to an issue or pull request. For example, https://github ...


Search code, repositories, users, issues, pull requests... · Provide feedback · Saved searches · Tasks.

GitHub Issues · Project planning for developers

With task lists, you can break big issues into tasks, further organize your work with milestones and labels, and track relationships and dependencies. We ...

Bringing Astrid Tasks back from the dead

Bringing Astrid Tasks back from the dead. Contribute to tasks/tasks development by creating an account on GitHub.

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